
2008-06-07 6:42 pm
English medium of instruction has not little to do with our future success

我想問應該有咩points 呀?!thank you!!!

回答 (2)

2008-06-10 8:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
辯題的英文有點怪, 是否抄錯?
has little to do 就有, 意思是<沒有甚麼關係>, has not little to do 就未聽過, 不知何解. 如果說<很有關係>, 英文應該是 has much to do. 所以搞不清你要講 英語教學對前途是有關還是無關係.
假定要講的是 <以英語為教學語言對學生的前途無甚關係>
1. The future success of students lies in many factors, such as grades achieved in various subjects, personal communication skills, etc. The medium of instruction is only one of the factors.
2. Students recieving education in different languages compete on an equal footing as they take public exams in the same set of subjects. A student who is taught in Chinese may achieve a better grade than a student who is taught in English.
3. There is no doubt that ability in English, an international language, is important to the future success of students. However, students who are taught in English do not necessarily perform better in the language than students who are taught in Chinese. The later can attain a high standard in the languge through hard work.
假定要講的是 <以英語為教學語言對學生的前途很有關係>
1. English is an internationally accepted medium of communication. Proficiency in the language enables students to acquire knowledge from various sources easily, and this will facilitate future success.
2. As a matter of reality in HK, despite the good intention of education officials, students who are taught in Chinese are considered less capable than those who are taught in English. This prevents their access to some opportunities in education or career.
2008-06-07 6:44 pm


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