
2008-06-07 12:08 pm

(我見佢有 show 出黎比我揀)





但係佢括住 (除卻預辦登機時所繳機場稅) 即係咩呀 ??



回答 (2)

2008-06-11 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, you can try to assign seat but those seat are not confirm seat No.
Only if are are member of The Marco Polo Club Silver card level, then you can get a confirm seat No. However this need you to call in Dragon Air reservation 31933888 or The Marco Polo Club 27475500 with your membership.

If you are not member you need to make online check-in in the same wedsite 48hr within each flight depart. It means depart HongKong once time and return to Hongkong done another time.

For (除卻預辦登機時所繳機場稅) it was mostly for return to Hkg. Most country will need collect tax when issue. But airline cannot be sure every Goverment need airlines to collect tax. If didnot collect when issue then you need to pay at depart airport. So it need to show in the wedsite
e.g. Three ~ four year before Bangkok need collect depart tax at Bangkok Airport only but now change to collect when ticket issuing
2008-06-07 5:49 pm
1) 係網訂系統度係會比你揀位, 但唔係畀你揀坐指定位置. 而且只有通道或窗旁2個畀你選而已, 到你check in時, 你先知坐唔坐到你所揀既位置, 我就試過幾次用港龍所謂既揀位, 最後都坐左係4人位既最中間個個...所以網訂系統裡面個揀位係扼人既! 畀你有限度揀位, 但唔代表一定有

2) 其實港龍網訂時, 最後打出黎個total數已經加晒所有稅, 無特別事既話, 例如到機場時要改日期時間等, 去到機場櫃位check in時唔駛再畀其他費用, 而更改日期時間既續用係$300, 你應該係特價機票吧, 網上訂票時應該有寫明附帶條件同收費

順便講講: 如果係長榮航空, 佢地既揀位係真係可以畀你揀坐邊個位, 就算到時無, 都會盡量揀個類似既位畀你 (個人經歷)
參考: 我

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