cover girl photo studio----可人兒 ...

2008-06-07 9:46 am
cover girl photo studio----可人兒 ...

I spent over HK$1600.

IT's so expensive and poor.
All of my photos are NO QUALITY and UGLY!!

Their staff are strongly hardsell at MTR station.

Their clothes are old fashion and outdated post.


Yau Ma Tei!!! Everything is POOR. BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!! Their make up is very very THICK!! and not charming..>______________

回答 (4)

2008-06-22 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案

I spent over ^(than) HK$1600.

It's (too) expensive.
All of my photos are (^of) no quailty and ugly.

Their staff are (very) hardsell at MTR station.

Their clothes are old-fashion and outdated.

Think twice!
Dont go or you must regret

Everything is poor. BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!

Their make up is (extremely) THICK!! and not charming/decent

2008-06-21 18:24:35 補充:
Their make-up are.....
2016-01-26 7:15 am
They show different photos when they sell you. when u in studio, there's only a few choices and ugly!
The photo are not very nice and charge very high price for extra "service" such as different quality of album(+500 / +2000).
Feels like being cheated!!!
2008-06-17 7:56 am
agree with U la!!!!!!!:@
i spent over HK$2000......................................
2008-06-07 10:06 am
don't waste $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ at this shop

2008-06-21 02:23:31 補充:
waste my $$$ and I took many ugly photos...AUNTSSs strongly said that they are professional..>____<..too bad

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