What is a family tree?

2008-06-07 6:02 am
What is a family tree?

回答 (7)

2008-06-07 6:08 am
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A family tree is a simple chart representing family relationships in a conventional tree structure form.
2008-06-07 5:36 pm
Family "tree" in the botany section; I get it, very funny, haha.
How 'bout ,what's a dogwood (does it "bark"?) in the zoology
good one.
2008-06-07 10:34 am
chart of family information: a chart that shows the relationships of members of a family over time, including dates of marriages, births, and deaths
參考: encarta dictionary hehe
2008-06-07 8:39 am
A pedigree, it shows an individuals breeding. Who his parents, grandparents, their grandparents, etc etc where. For some examples go to: ancestry.com, and look at some there.
2008-06-07 6:06 am
your family history ...you on bottom(with siblings) your parents branch off above you their parents above them etc
2008-06-07 6:05 am
Shows the parents of a specific species...and then the parent's parents...etc...
2008-06-07 6:18 am
It's like a mermaid except they cut off the sacrificed ones legs plant them and then after the roots grow you have a family tree.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 09:51:36
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