Do anyone live in the U.S. hate the state of California?

2008-06-07 1:46 am
I currently live in Phoeniz, Arizona and I think california is one of the worst state in the U.S.A. The reason I said that is because of the crowded traffic, high cost of living and expensive houses etc. I also hate the spoiled kid in this state.

So give me your honest opinion about california!

回答 (24)

2008-06-07 1:54 am
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I live in Tempe ,AZ!
I think California is over rated.
Seems lame to me.
Arizona is better.

♥PeTrOlEuM JeLlY♥ is a example of how much of a moron people from California are.
2008-06-07 1:51 am
I live in California, and you're obviously stereotyping a few cities with the whole state. It's not like that here. And if it's so awful, why is there a lot of traffic? Doesn't that mean a lot of people live here?
2008-06-07 1:59 am
I lived in California for three years and I can honestly say I hate California. The traffic, the rude people, the pollution, the crime, ALL OF IT!
2008-06-07 1:52 am
You are right about some of the things you said about Cali....but I DON'T hate it...

I love the weather, the beaches, the coasts,
the huge malls, the women & the rock clubs to play at
參考: California resident of 37 years
2008-06-07 1:51 am
No i don't hate california..
i never been there but i got cali love
2008-06-07 1:58 am
California seems to be such a populated state, that if you were to go only a mere 300 miles away to a different city, it has a different feel and vibe to it. San Diego seems to have a real beach environment to it, LA seems to have a lot of dirt to the glamorous high style of living, San Fran just seems to be the melting pot of the state, and probably the most accepting place of Cali. But try going more instate, Sacremento, to even way North Cal, very very different set-up and characteristics. So really, it all depends on where you live in Cali. I would say I dislike the spoiled kids, but aren't we all spoiled in a way? They are just oober rich and have money to throw away. But then where the spoiled kids are, there are more modest people intermingled, they are just more difficult to pick out since the spoiled ones thirst for attention. ; ) Cali is great! sun is shining, beaches are bitchin, and girls are bangin! For a time I did really hate it, but realized you can't stay pissed at the world forever.
參考: Lived in Central Cali for 9 months, and checked out different parts of the state.
2008-06-07 1:50 am
I don't hate California, but I don't like LA or Hollywood. I like how Arnold Schwarzenegger is the governor - it feels interesting!
2008-06-07 1:57 am
Spoiled kids? Check more on the south side of California.
2008-06-07 1:56 am
hate is such a strong word...sure it has a high cost of living, but there's crowded traffic in alot of other states. California has it's own beauty......Yosemite Falls for goodness sakes! beautiful Redwood forests....and how can you forget the biggest attraction of all...........Disneyland, lol :)

and the spoiled kids only live in Hollywood, heh ;)
2008-06-07 1:55 am
I live in California and its not that bad. The only thing that is bad about Cali is the damn traffic. Always during rush hour the freeways are full of cars and moving at 5mph.

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