Does China have states like the U.S or does it just have cities?

2008-06-06 9:32 pm

回答 (12)

2008-06-07 1:52 pm
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They have states, American translation.

What they call cities, the earlier answers are based on bad translations. I live in a so called city that covers many, many square miles, it has different areas that should be called cities, but the entire area is called Zhongshan, when in fact it composed of many, many cities. It should be called Zhongshan county and each individual city by it's own name.
I live in Shuchi, the county seat of Zhongshan, there are so many cities here! Some an hour away by bus. You read the population of a city? It isn't the population of a city, it's the population of that county.

It's a translation problem that the westerners just keep on using! We have the county seat, and many suburbs, and yet complete other cities. No wonder all Chinese cities have 50 million people! The translation needs to be corrected!

While US states have different laws, none oppose the US Government. Same way in China . Laws may vary, but none are different than the Basic Law, including Hong Kong and Macau and someday Taiwan.
2008-06-09 9:36 pm
There are 4 kinds of region is used in China. 1. Provences- There are 22 provences in China. Each province has its own government for administrarive and a biggest city. (eg. Guangdong provence's biggest city is guangzhou)
4 municipilities- Beijing, Tianjing, Chongxing and Shanghai. To become a municipility, the city's economic and population should reach a standard. These cities are ruled by China Central Government directly.
5 autonomous region- This is for different tribes in China to rule by themself. These cities administrate like provences.
2 special administrative region- Hongkong and Macau. They used to be colonies. They have their own laws and culture... To set up SARs, the purpose is to remain the lives of the local residents the same. They administrate independent, like a country. But they are China's territotry. They are capitalism cities, not socialism cities.
參考: Myself
2008-06-07 12:05 pm
We have normal provinces(like taiwan, hunan, zhe jiang etc), manicipalities(beijing, shanghai, tianjin, chongqing), autonomouses(Tibet, Xingjiang etc), Special administration District(hongkong, macaou),
maybe oneday taiwan could become a Special administration District too
參考: Hope I could get your pts, I`m chinese living in China.
2008-06-07 8:39 am
The US is the only country I know of that uses the term states. The rest of the world uses the term province most of the time.
2008-06-07 5:09 am
Both previous answers are correct. China has provinces which are similar to Canada which also has provinces that in the USA we call states. No difference as to form of government. Obtaining a passport by a Chinese citizen requires local approval where they obtained their Chinese ID card and then provincial approval.
參考: Personal knowledge
2008-06-07 9:03 am
China has provinces, but that can't compare to a US state. In China it is more of geographical region. A US state has it's own government and laws that can be different from federal laws.

The US state system would be a good system for China though.
2008-06-07 5:07 am
In fact they do have states like the US:

Here's a color-coded map:
2008-06-07 5:40 am
If the question is does China have states, it is yes and no. The answer is no because they call states 'provinces', but it is yes because provinces and states are practically the same. I hope my information helps you know what you need.
2008-06-07 5:06 am
states, provinces, generally the same thing. i think they have 32. its either 30 or 32.
2008-06-07 4:40 am
It has provinces, but I don't know how they fit into the political structure of the country as a whole.
2008-06-07 5:33 am
Yes china does have states just like the united states
2008-06-07 8:39 am
China has a total of 36 states.(you can also call them provinces. This is an old word, replaces now by the word "states").

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