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They have states, American translation.
What they call cities, the earlier answers are based on bad translations. I live in a so called city that covers many, many square miles, it has different areas that should be called cities, but the entire area is called Zhongshan, when in fact it composed of many, many cities. It should be called Zhongshan county and each individual city by it's own name.
I live in Shuchi, the county seat of Zhongshan, there are so many cities here! Some an hour away by bus. You read the population of a city? It isn't the population of a city, it's the population of that county.
It's a translation problem that the westerners just keep on using! We have the county seat, and many suburbs, and yet complete other cities. No wonder all Chinese cities have 50 million people! The translation needs to be corrected!
While US states have different laws, none oppose the US Government. Same way in China . Laws may vary, but none are different than the Basic Law, including Hong Kong and Macau and someday Taiwan.