
2008-06-07 5:35 am
A: Where is Jimmy? ________[you/see]him?
B: He_____[be] here just now.I don't know where he *HAS GONE*

同埋我想問點解b果句系'I dont know where he *has gone*'
而吾系is going?or其他..

回答 (2)

2008-06-07 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
A. a. Did you see him? (是否有看見過他?) ~ 應該是這個比較正確. 因為下面都是用past tense...he was here just now...
b. Have you seen him? (有沒有看見過他?) 這個也可用. 不過回答就變成...he has been here just now. 文化上就怪怪的...

B. He was here just now. i do not know where he has gone.

點解要用 has gone? 因為在說: 我不知道他走了在哪裡. 而不是我不知道他正在走了哪裡. 雖然文化都正確, 但是has gone會比較對. 即是the best answer.
2008-06-07 6:16 am
1.Can u see
2. has been(cuz at the end is present perfect)

Dunno if it is right
參考: myself

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