急!! present perfect tense

2008-06-07 4:16 am
How to use present perfect?
How can I know the sentances need to use present perfect?
Can u give me some example?

回答 (2)

2008-06-07 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
你有冇去過蕭sir個yahoo blog呢? 佢個blog教人好多實用既英文架

以下呢條link就係佢拍左條youtube片, 教人past tense, present perfect tense同past perfect tense既分別(我諗大家鍾意睇片多過睇一段文字^^)



2008-06-07 02:58:40 補充:
Re: serena1115

just, already並不代表present perfect tense(尤其just作adverb時有多種用法), 更何況你冇清楚解釋到present perfect係點用, 你好似教佢做MC cloze個類型題目多過教佢寫一句present perfect tense既句子

2008-06-07 02:59:08 補充:
Counter examples:

It's 10 o'clock already. 而家已經十點 (而家係咩時間點可以用present perfect tense?)

I'm just finishing my book. (just係解at this moment, now, immediately)
我本牛津字典講, 英式英文用just+ present perfect tense時, 美式英文用just+ simple past tense黎表達同一個意思 e.g. I just saw him a moment ago. (US)
參考: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/siu82english/article?mid=52, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (1995)
2008-06-07 6:23 am
when u see words like: just
e.g: I have just taken a bath.

u need 2 use present perfect when u see present perfect words at the back/ in front of the sentense / para

e.g: Have u seen JOhn. I have not seen him.

Dunno if this is correct
參考: myself

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