幫我正成中文(廿分 唔好用翻譯軟件)

Deep in the jungle,
in the land of adventure, lives Tarzan

I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant

My name is Tarzan, I am Jungle-man
The tree-top swinger from jungle-land
Come, baby come, I will take you for a swing
Let's go honey, I'm tinkeling

Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong
He's really cute and his hair is long
Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong
So listen to the jungle song

I am Tarzan from jungle, you can be my friend
I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant

When you touch me, I feel funny
I feel it too when you're touching me
Come to my tree-house, to my party
Yes, I'll go if you carry me

Tarzan is handsome, full of surprise
He's really cute and his hair is nice
Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong
So listen to the jungle song

...(see above)

Go cheetah, get banana
Hey monkey, get funky

When I am dancing, I feel funky
Why do you keep ignoring me?
Tarzan is here, come kiss me baby
Oochie coochie, kiss me tenderly

Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong
He's really cute and his hair is long
Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong
So listen to the jungle song

...(see above)

And so they got funky, but will Tarzan have Jane?
Stay tuned to find out!

回答 (1)

2008-06-08 10:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
我都系無用 軟件翻譯, 用心的譯 ^^

Deep in the jungle, 在蕞林的深處
in the land of adventure, lives Tarzan 在冒險的土地裏著住泰山

Oo-ee-oo-ee.. Oo--EE--OO--EE
I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant 我是珍, 我愛騎著大象

My name is Tarzan, I am Jungle-man 我的名字是泰山, 我是叢林裏的人
The tree-top swinger from jungle-land 是森林土地到樹頂的搖擺者
Come, baby come, I will take you for a swing 來吧, 親愛的來, 我帶你一起搖擺
Let's go honey, I'm tinkeling 讓我們一起去 親愛的,
Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong 泰山是英俊的, 泰山是強壯的
He's really cute and his hair is long 他真的可愛及他的頭髮是長的
Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong 泰山是英俊的, 泰山是強壯的
So listen to the jungle song 因此聽聽森林之歌

I am Tarzan from jungle, you can be my friend 我是來自森林的泰山, 你可是我的朋友
I am Jane and I love to ride an elephant我是珍, 我愛騎著大象

When you touch me, I feel funny 當你接觸我時, 我感到有趣
I feel it too when you're touching me 當你接觸我時 我是會感受到的
Come to my tree-house, to my party 請來我的樹屋, 到我的派對
Yes, I'll go if you carry me 對的, 如果你帶我, 我是會去的

Tarzan is handsome, full of surprise 泰山是英俊的, 他充滿驚喜的
He's really cute and his hair is nice 他真可愛和他的頭髮很好的
Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong 泰山是英俊的, 泰山是強壯的
So listen to the jungle song 因此聽聽森林之歌

...(see above)

Go cheetah, get banana 印度豹 去! 拿你的香蕉
Hey monkey, get funky 猴子, 膽戰心驚

When I am dancing, I feel funky 當我跳舞時,我感到畏縮
Why do you keep ignoring me? 為何你不理會我呢
Tarzan is here, come kiss me baby 泰山在這兒, 來吧親吻我, 親愛的
Oochie coochie, kiss me tenderly 唔 ...溫柔的親吻我

Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong泰山是英俊的, 泰山是強壯的
He's really cute and his hair is long 他真可愛和他的頭髮很好的
Tarzan is handsome, Tarzan is strong 泰山是英俊的, 泰山是強壯的
So listen to the jungle song因此聽聽森林之歌

...(see above)

And so they got funky, but will Tarzan have Jane? 與此所以他們是畏縮的, 但泰山會得到珍嗎
Stay tuned to find out! 請繼續留意及找出答案

2008-06-12 00:07:22 補充:
澄清下先..... 唔系我刪架, 系yahoo 佢地刪左, 我都好唔明白佢地做咩刪我?
心機就白白無左嚕 ><" 我好似見地有人譯番比你嚕
參考: 嚴正聲名: 是我親自翻譯, 請勿盜取他人知識, 請自重, 後果自負。

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