
2008-06-06 11:49 pm
跟團的...4晚都住coop residence..(係五木x附近)..
2. 好唔好住架?
3. 夜晚自己去行,可以去邊??
4. 第一天會去tiger world...果到有咩好玩? d人話要帶泳帽..但係有d人就話可以唔帶...即係要唔要??

5. 有咩好買架???


回答 (1)

2008-06-07 1:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
43-14 Yang Pyung Dong 2-ga, Young Dung Po Gu, Seoul
web site: http://rent.co-op.co.kr/rent_coop/eng/body06.htm

2. 好唔好住架?
Havent stayed there before but my friend stayed there and l visited her.
She said it is ok.

3. 夜晚自己去行,可以去邊??
The hotel is in a very quiet area like Kowloon Tong. Going out at night is not convenient for girl.
It is not in a shopping area and there is not much shops around (except convenient store la).
You have to take subway and go to other area. It is at Exit 1 from Yang Pyung Stadium Station of Subway line #5.
When taking subway, for most of the palces, you need to transfer to other line. Therefore it is not located in a convenient place.

4. 第一天會去tiger world...果到有咩好玩? d人話要帶泳帽..但係有d人就話可以唔帶...即係要唔要??
Go to the official siate of Tiger World to see:
You have to bring your 泳帽 in every swimming pool or facility in Korea.
If you dont have one, may be you have to buy or rent one there (but l could not find that item in the site).

5. 有咩好買架???
It is up to you.

2008-06-07 05:19:08 補充:
The hotel is in a very quiet area like Kowloon Tong (not near MTR station) at night. You can hardly find a person around during the day or at night. You will know when you arrive.
參考: my experience

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