
2008-06-06 10:11 pm
我個名有個雪字噶....我想要個m字頭的日文名... 最好兩個音...簡單...可愛......易記...

回答 (2)

2008-06-08 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You are picky.
簡單、可愛、 易記? These are very subjective factors, I can't really decide for you.
Anyway, I'll try to point you to the right resources. Go to this page:
And download the data file for reference
I manage to pull off these entries from the list, based on your first two criteria:
Mai 舞雪
Maki 天雪
Mayu 真雪、舞雪
Miyu 深雪、美雪
Moyu 桃雪
If you want three syllables, here are your options:
Maiyu 舞雪
Mayuka 舞雪香
Mayuki 真雪、舞雪、舞雪季、麻雪、苺雪
Mayuko 舞雪子
Mayumi 雅雪実、舞雪美
Mizuki 瑞雪
Miyuki 海雪、希雪、見雪、光雪、三雪、実雪、心雪、深雪、深雪樹、瑞雪、聖雪、雪雪、美雪、美雪季、文雪、碧雪、峰雪、未雪、魅雪、蜜雪、弥雪
Meyuki 芽雪
Moyuki 萌雪
I personally don't know how many of these forenames actually exist, but I believe many of them do.
Anyway, hope that helps.
參考: 「女の子の名前辞書」計画
2008-06-07 1:43 am
Miyuki 美雪/美由紀

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