英文文法.....請幫忙 2 >< thz

2008-06-06 7:21 pm
1,I didn't swatch the movie, I think I would have enjoyed it.

這是if -condiotnal clause Type 3? "Would have enjoyed"是什麼的tense?(Past participle?)

1,Would 是will 的past tense,但我知道would 可用在Present / future tense, why?

eg, I would go skating tonight
I would go shopping tomorrow


eg, I will do the best I can
I will do the best I could

3,什麼是gerund phrase and participle phrase?他們的用法是?

4,I feel like.........
The cars I saw were like......

後面是否跟noun clause?
I feel like the tempertaure won't drop these few days
The car I saw were like the ones I come across last Monday?


5, (i)Having finished my homework, I went to bed.
(ii)Being built for five years, it is now collapsed


第一句可否跟(Present/future tense eg: I go to bed或者 I will go to bed)

第二句可否跟 (Present/future tense eg: it was collapsed或者it will collapse soon.

Thanks a lot

回答 (4)

2008-06-06 8:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. &quot;Would have enjoyed&quot; is Presesnt Perfest tense.

I would go skating tonight
I would go shopping tmr.

These 2 sentences are not correct. U should change it into
I will go skating tonight.
I will go shopping tmr.

U can only use it as
I would like to (do sth.)
Would you like to (do sth.)?

2.correct but &quot;I will do as best as I can&quot; is better

3.A gerund phrase will begin with a gerund, an ing word, and might include other modifiers and/or objects. Gerund phrases always function as nouns, so they will be subjects, subject complements, or objects in the sentence.

Be careful not to mistake a gerund phrase for a present participle phrase.
Gerund and present participle phrases are easy to confuse because they both begin with an ing word. The difference is that a gerund phrase will always function as a noun while a present participle phrase describes another word in the sentence.
Bernard hates buttering toast with a fork.

Buttering toast with a fork = gerund phrase, the direct object of the verb hates.

Buttering toast with a fork, Bernard vowed that he would finally wash the week&#39;s worth of dirty dishes piled in the sink.

Buttering toast with a fork = present participle phrase describing Bernard.

2008-06-06 12:35:49 補充:
4.The car I saw were like the ones I come across last Monday=correct

But u seldom say "I feel like the tempertaure won't drop these few days"

The noun clause should be about yrself, if not, use "I think"

2008-06-06 12:36:23 補充:
I fell like eating a hamburger=correct

I think eating a hamburger=incorrect

I think the tempertaure won't drop these few days=correct

I feel like the tempertaure won't drop these few days=incorrect

2008-06-06 12:36:46 補充:
5.(i), (ii) tense= present perfect tense+Passive voice(ii)

(i):No. u cannot use future/present tense bcoz
Having finished my homework menas u have already done that particular thing, so it is past tense. If u want to use present/future tense, then:

2008-06-06 12:37:52 補充:
Present: Every day after I have finished my homework, I go to sleep
(Everyday means present tense)
Past :After I have finished my homework, I will go to bed
(After means later, not now. So it is present tense)

2008-06-06 12:38:03 補充:
ii)No bcoz there is the word"NOW". If it is now, how can u use psat/present?! It used collapsed(past) bcoz of passive voice, not the sense
參考: http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/gerundphrase.htm and myself, myself, myself, myself, myself, myself
2008-06-10 1:14 am
[would] is not the past tense of [will]
2008-06-07 10:02 am
pls give me some time to prepare, i'll explain as detailed as i can.
2008-06-06 11:29 pm

If I had watched the movie, I would have enjoyed it.

If -condiotnal clause Type 3:

Past and Impossible condition (已過去而且沒有法生的事情令說話的人有後悔的感覺;俗稱事後孔明)

If past perfect tense would have been/could have been/should have been/ought to have been/might have been
This pattern refers to past time and mentions something which might have happened but did not.

1.If you had shut the windows, the rain would not have come in.
(But you did not shut the window; consequently, the rain came in)
2.If you had locked the door, the money would not have been stolen.
(But you did not lock the door, the money was stolen.)

2008-06-07 09:38:06 補充:
If + past perfect tense + would have been/could have been/should have been/ought to have been/might have been

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