
2008-06-06 5:30 pm
的士車主同的士組織(的士司機)兩者的關係是怎樣的? 例如, 兩者的租金衡量等等.

另外, D的士同業咁唔LIKE「折扣黨」,究竟「折扣黨」對的士業有咩影響?

回答 (2)

2008-06-15 9:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) 主要基於利益上關係,【的士車主(的士商會)】係投資者,他們只看回報上的問題。

2) 對。但現時息口在極低水平,若未來加息牌價會下跌,而增加【錶頭】收入可令牌價會上升。

3) 現時大部【的士車主】俗稱單頭車車主,他們大都會自已揸返一更半更車,或把【的士】交車行打理,只收固定租金。

4) 「折扣黨」,係其他人收取正價時,他以「折扣」形式爭取多些生意,這樣做會導至【正價】的士更難經營。

☆ 其實無人想賺小咗錢而行「折扣黨」,但因公求不平衡而導至經營困難,才有人出此下下之策啫!

2008-06-06 10:19 pm
的士車主 wants the increase in fare because of two factors.

1. They can increase the rents of their taxi.
2. Their taxi license can be increased as well because the increase of taxi fare.

唔LIKE「折扣黨 because this is an unfair practise, also it will impose pressure to the other driver to provide discount as the customers think they can have a bargaining power in the fare.

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