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根據香港法例第297章"罪犯自新條例"第 2 條, 如果你犯左刑事法而留有刑事紀錄, 但符合以下的所有條件:
1. 就該刑事罪行的判罰為不超過三個月的監禁, 或不超過港幣一萬元的罰款; 及
2. 以往未有觸犯任何刑事罪行而被定罪; 及
3. 被定罪後的三年內沒有再觸犯刑事罪行被定罪.
則可以不向外披露其刑事紀錄, 以及該刑事紀錄不會成為他被排除於職位, 專業, 職業或受僱工作的合法或正當理由.
"罪犯自新條例"並非只適用於十八歲以下犯人, 而是適用於所有人仕.
如果你只係有96年一單案底而無97年果單咁呢條例都重有可能啱用. 但你在三年內又犯法, 罪犯自新條例你己經用唔到.
2008-06-11 08:21:48 補充:
Mr. L: My answer to his question is that the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance does not apply to him anymore because he has more than one criminal record. The ROO only applies to first time offenders who does not re-offend in three years.
2008-06-12 03:21:45 補充:
YOU said: You do not need to apply for you. If you have not been admited in criminal activities, then you do not need to mention about your criminal record as such.
I said: 如果你只係有96年一單案底而無97年果單咁呢條例都重有可能啱用. 但你在三年內又犯法, 罪犯自新條例你己經用唔到.
Please read carefully before you speak out.
2008-06-13 03:28:55 補充:
Mr. L: sect. 3 of "JUVENILE OFFENDERS ORDINANCE (Cap. 226)" states that:
It shall be conclusively presumed that no child under the age of 10 years can be guilty of an offence.
So, 你話 :"Since 17 is not treated as adult in the Hong Kong law...." 好似有d狗屁不通喎!!
2008-06-13 03:33:03 補充:
再者, 我唔係講緊佢案發時幾多歲, 而係話佢三年內兩次犯案, 己經唔乎合罪犯自新條例....
而且閣下d英文咁屎, 無謂扮識law啦...
2008-06-13 03:41:38 補充:
by the way, may i remind you that the ROO applies to adults and juveniles alike...
2008-06-13 23:23:26 補充:
dora: i accept your comments and i agree that i should not have attacked other's language capabilities. that was not at all gentlemanly. thank you for pointing out my faults. i appreciate that.
l: i apologise for saying that your english is shit.
2008-06-13 23:25:58 補充:
but i still hold on to my view that the roo does not apply in this case because he has had two criminal records. no matter how long ago they were, the roo is still not valid in this case.
2008-06-13 23:34:52 補充:
l: and it was childish of me to vote against you in all your answers. i apologise for that as well. it was indeed immature. the reason being i resented your implying in your earlier comment that i copied your answer .
2008-06-13 23:35:15 補充:
if you would have a look at my previous answers you would indeed see that i have been quoting the roo in many answers long before.