魚have white dot arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

2008-06-06 9:01 am
why my fish have white dot?
why my fish have white dot?
why my fish have white dot?
why my fish have white dot?
why my fish have white dot?
why my fish have white dot?
why my fish have white dot?
why my fish have white dot?
why my fish have white dot?
why my fish have white dot?

回答 (1)

2008-06-06 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有白點病,加粗盬將水溫升高,每次換水加少少粗鹽,d fish就會較健康喇.粗鹽即係天然嘅未有加工嘅,去雜貨舖有得買.
參考: me

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