關於Isosorbide Mononitrate的副作用

2008-06-06 8:05 am
今天醫生開給我媽媽的血壓藥中,有Isosorbide Mononitrate 20mg
早晚各半粒, 因我媽媽有肝病及肝硬化, 會不會影嚮肝臟及

回答 (2)

2008-06-15 8:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實我建議您媽咪試下飲用一隻叫em-x的水, 因為佢可以幫助佢在不用吃藥的情況下慢慢調理佢的身體狀況
2008-06-06 2:11 pm
As you may already know isosorbid dinitrate is an antianginal; it is also a vasodilator. It is used for treating and preventing chest pain (angina). This medication can also be used for lowering blood pressure.

Isosorbid dinitrate is mostly metabolized by the liver. The dosage should be lowered for patient who has cirrhosis. 20mg of isosorbid dinitrate is not a lot. If you are worry, go back to the doctor and ask if s/he is aware of your mother situation. Everyone is different. I cannot tell you whether this is the right medication or dosage for your mother without her current and pass medical history.

If you have any question, you should always go back and ask the doctor. It is better safe than sorry. Answers on the internet may not be totally accurate. Again, everyone is unique. There is no one method that will fit everyone.

Hope this help.

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