
2008-06-06 7:47 am
John was involved in a traffic accident in which he was knocked unconscious in 1992 and he finally recovered in 1998

In knowing John was in hospital, Siu Ming entered and lived in John's flat in 1993. John thought that his flat was vacant and he later discovered that Siu Ming occupied his flat in 2006. Advise John whether he still has the rights over his property or not...

Any body can help me??

回答 (2)

2008-06-07 10:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are several elements to be satisfied in order to establish "adverse possession":

1. Siu Ming has to physically occupy John’s flat as if he was the owner without permission by John;
2. John has knowledge of the occupation of the flat by Siu Ming and allows the continuation of such occupation; and
3. Siu Ming holds the flat to the exclusion of John.

In Hong Kong, if such adverse possession continues for a period of 12 years consecutively, Siu Ming will get the flat.

Here, obviously requirement 2 is not satisfied. John did not have knowledge of the occupation by Siu Ming until 2006. Even if John took no action after he learnt of the occupation, only 2 years have passed and he still has right over his property.
2008-06-06 7:52 pm
根據 [逆權佔有] 制度,私人物業被逆權佔有不少於 12年,該物業之業主便不能向佔用人討回物業。Siu Ming 自 1993 年已佔用了 John的物業,而 John 在 2006 年才發覺,己超過 12 年,所以該物業應屬 Siu Ming 所有。

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