HDMI 線問題

2008-06-06 6:03 am

回答 (1)

2008-06-06 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
HDMI 1.3a是2006年11月10日提出,而HDMI 1.3b於2007年3月26日公布, 主要是修改HDMI 測試規格(HDMI Testing specification), 而 HDMI Specification依然是HDMI 1.3a。

HDMI Testing specification 1.3b 修改部分:

1.3b 2007/03/26 Modifications to TE overview and policy description (4.1)
Addition of Agilent TDR to Recommended TE (
Clarification of tentative cable emulators (
Jitter tolerance test changes (8-7)
Added cable tests for TMDS_CLOCK channel (5-3)
New VL triggering (7-2)
Editorial and clarifications on CEC Line Degradation (7-15, 8-14)
Added testing of additional source-supported Deep Color formats (7-34)
Additional HDMI VSDB EDID checks (8-3)
Additional TTC usage (5-3, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7)
Incorporated Tek-recommended setup and calibration for TDR (8-8)
Clarification on Sink Deep Color Recommended Test Method (8-25)
Added long cable or cable emulator use for Repeater test (9-3)
Added color-depths for each format in Source_Video_Formats (App. 3)
Removed test for filler bytes (8-3)
Removed Tektronix part number of cable emulator EFF-HDMI-CE-01

2008-06-06 13:31:59 補充:
對用家來講,1.3a 及 1.3b冇分別。


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