電腦可以hand carry上飛機嗎?

2008-06-06 4:21 am
我將移民,我想問家中的電腦和mon(不是notebook)pack好之後可以hand carry上飛機嗎?


回答 (2)

2008-06-06 6:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實任何東西也可上飛機,除了現時所規管的易燃物體或100 c c 以上液體等,其實以前很多東西也可帶上飛機,多得d恐怖份子。

2008-06-09 1:50 am
you cannot bring CRT mon of any size because you cannot bring any breakablle objects to the flight

for computer units and/or LCD.. you can try if the size and weight falls into the hand carry size

but... why will you want to bring these heavy stuffs on the flight with you?

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