How does the FDIC deal with most failures?

2008-06-05 7:16 pm
How does the FDIC deal with most failures?

回答 (1)

2008-06-10 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)

First, you need to understand its Mission and Vision

The FederalDeposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent agency createdby the Congress that maintains the stability and public confidence inthe nation’s financial system by insuring deposits, examining andsupervising financial institutions, and managing receiverships.
The FDIC is aleader in developing and implementing sound public policies,identifying and addressing new and existing risks in the nation’sfinancial system, and effectively and efficiently carrying out itsinsurance, supervisory, and receivership management responsibilities.

Next, you need to understand there is an approach to deal with any issues (such as problem, failure, fraud, etc...) - that is, to prevent, to avoid and to detect and to resolve.

For prevention, it is done via legislation of act, law, rules and regulations. For more information, read the FDIC rules and regulations here.

For avoidance and detection, it is done via regular examination of the bank operations including the bank's safety and soundness, trust operation, IT systems, and compliance. For more information, read the FDIC bank examination here.

For resolution, it facilitates any takeover and/or acquisition of the assets and deposits of a bank when it requires assistance during failure. For more information, read the FDIC registered bank assistance cases here.

*** hope that gives you some hint to the question

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