Lv bag in Paris

2008-06-05 12:15 pm
I am goint to Paris in July and i want to buy a something LV for my mum. I dont hve much money only about 100 euros. what would u suggest me to buy? And can i use pounds in france and is it more expensive if i use it?

回答 (3)

2008-06-05 7:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
British Pounds is not a legal tender in France. Shops will not accept payment in cash of UK currency. You have to use credit card, or Euro cash when you are spending in France. Of course some shops in tourist area will accept Pounds but the rate is very bad... (LV is not the shop accepts Pounds)
100 euro = HK$1200. If you imagine what you can get in LV Hong Kong for HK$1200, then you will know what you can buy. You can consider coin purse or keybag according to your budget... Those smallest items will be suitable for your requirement.
Be reminded, if you want to have tax refund, your purchase cannot be less than 175 euro. So, if you buy only 100 euro, you cannot get tax refund. However, if you cannot get tax refund, why you still need to buy it in Paris? only few percent cheaper than Hong Kong...
If I were you, I will go to the cosmatics shop Sephora to buy a bottle of special fregence to my mum, or go to Yves Rocher to get some popular cream and cosmatic items for her.
參考: Living in Paris for a year before + Personal travel experience
2008-06-05 7:59 pm
Totally agree with Henry. With 100 Euros, you can perhaps only buy a key-holder from LV (not even a coin bag), plus the fact that you cannot get any tax refund (approximately 12%).

If you want to buy perfume, you can buy it in CDG aeroport duty free shop. Why bother to pay 19.6% sales tax?
2008-06-05 6:35 pm
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