有關banking and finance 既路

2008-06-05 9:53 am
我依家係aus (monash uni) 讀year 1
而major 係想讀banking and finance

1) 會唔會好艱難呢
2) 需唔需要讀埋accounting呢
3) 如果拎到個degree,
仲要讀d咩先可以提高入bank 做既機會呢?

可唔可以講下bank 入面既工作
我知道唔係只有teller 咁簡單

因為我想plan 下自己既前途

希望有經驗既或者係銀行做開既, 解答下我問題...

回答 (1)

2008-06-09 10:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. No. Because banking & finance is such a huge industry. In terms of types, it has Commercial Bank(HSBC etc), Insurance company(e.g. AIA) and Investment company(such as the MPF funds). You need to define what you are interested in.

2. No. I do not have accounting degree. You just need to have the business degree, with good commercial sense and willing to work hard. Quantitative sense is a must 'coz you deal with people's money every day, which is basically number.

3. i. 1st Honor/ Honors degree/ a good degree. Since your university is not the very top tier(such as Harvard, Oxford etc). Merely a degree is NOT enough to get to any job you want.
ii. You can enter the industry in two ways, one is through the graduate recruitment, which is very competitive. You need to sharpen your aptitude test(which is numeric, verbal, logical and personality). Another is by relationship, you can build your relationship by working as an intern during summer break.

Bank's Job, I think you mean commercial bank, not investment bank.
Front Office: Teller, Relationship mangers, customer services etc.
Middle Office: Finance and Risk management
Back Office: Operations(back end processing), Marketing, HR etc.

My advice for you, you will get lost in this huge industry if you don't know yr strengths and weaknesses. You can tell me more about your personality/interested subject so that I can help you more.
參考: My experience in the Financial sector

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