Want to do something cute for my girlfriend, need ideas?

2008-06-04 10:04 pm
MY girlfriend is going away at the end of the week and i want to do something cute for her she will love. Problem is i do not get to really see her during the week because she is busy with work and school. Given my situation here it is tough for me to think of something cute to do for her. I want to do something she will love and remember and make her feel all happy. Any ideas for me would be great I'm lost right now do not know what i could do again given my circumstance. Thanks

回答 (6)

2008-06-04 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
just give him chocolates for good journey
and politely say to her that u will miss her every moment when she is away.
just say that u love her and u will wait for her till she comes back and u will greatly miss her love and affection.

may be a good bye kiss or a hug will make it more perfect

yeah do kissher if possible at lips or atleast at forehead she will love it very much.

may be kiss her for as many times as days she will be far from u one for each day.

and a cute little gift will also be goood may be a little teddy or ur photograph so she can see it when she misses u.

do it alll from ur heart and dont worry abt nothing

these chances comes less in life when u get chance to prove ur love.

best of luck

god bless u both.
2008-06-04 10:15 pm
send her a real letter or just notes via snail mail... that will be a suprise!
2008-06-04 10:10 pm
Flowers and a surprise dinner that you cook perhaps? Girls like that stuff, makes us feel sappy.
2008-06-04 10:09 pm
Flowers always worked for me.
2008-06-04 10:08 pm
a gold neckles or a ring or if u have no money a card or something
2008-06-04 10:07 pm
how old are u?
so i can think of some fitting ideas.

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