
2008-06-05 7:39 am
但只可think of幾種
plz help me!!!

回答 (2)

2008-06-05 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
藍梅, 紅梅, 朱古力, 香蕉, 士多啤梨, 香橙, 雲呢嗱, 芝士, 香芋, 紅豆,黃梅醬, 杏仁, 蘋果, mango, 桃, 肉桂, 牛奶, 檸檬, 提子乾, 燕麥, 密瓜,蜂蜜, 菠蘿, 車喱子.....味道就有好多啦,希望可以幫到你啦!!!!
2008-06-05 1:36 pm
1 oatmeal and raspberry muffinss

2 strawberry cheesecake muffins

3 high-top cappuccino and white choc muffis

4 banana and oat bran muffins

5 ham corn and polenta muffins

6 spicy vegetable muffins

7 chocolate chip muffins

8 apple, buttermilk, maple syrup and bran muffins

9 orange poppy seed muffins

10 lemon meringue muffins

11 coconut muffins

12 apple cider muffins

13 blueberry muffins

14 double chocolate and peanut muffins

15 carrot and bran muffins

16 cheddar cheese muffins
參考: Baking a commonsense guide

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