一篇speech關於youth problem~(hurry plz)

2008-06-05 7:08 am

Topic is about advice my friends not to smoking/suicide~

最好比D ideas 同opening 我, thanks~~~

回答 (1)

2008-06-06 4:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I always like to start my writing with a strong statement. 3 min speech is not a very long time. It is best to condense your thoughts and ideas in the simplest formate. I personally think it is much easier to talk about smoking than suicide (simply because I know a lot more the consequences of smoking.) Choose the one that interest you the most than research about it. Plan out what you are going to say first. Think of this as writing a five paragraph essay. Include a introduction, couples of main points, and one strong conclusion.

20sec- introduction (your name, topic, general idea of what you are going to say.)
45sec- 1st topic (facts and consequences about smoking)
45sec- 2nd topic (second-hand smoking and peer influence)
45sec- 3rd topic (how to quit smoking, difficulty of quiting and resources available)
25sec - conclusion (restate your main point, say think-you to your audience)

Just remember to clam down and rehearse at least once before you present the material to the audience.
Hope this help. =)

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