Legend of Wong Tai Sin temple + Tin Hau temple !!!!! 20 fun

2008-06-05 6:03 am
I want the legend(傳說) of Wong Tai Sin temple

and Tin Hau temple(天后古廟). Each SIX please!
Must in short sentences ) Thx a lot ! Only 1 hours left!

回答 (2)

2008-06-05 6:26 am
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Find in yahoo! you can do this!
參考: me
2008-06-05 6:36 am
Wong Tai Sin temple

According to Self-Descriptions of Chisongzi (赤松子自述) located in Wong Tai Sin Temple, in Hong Kong, Wong Tai Sin was born under the name Wong Cho Ping (黃初平 Huang Chuping) in 338 in today's Lanxi City, Jinhua County (金華縣蘭溪市), Zhejiang Province, China
Wong Cho Ping experienced poverty and hunger, and decided to become a shepherd boy when he was eight. He began practicing Taoism at fifteen. Forty years later, he was said to have been able to transform stones into sheep under the cultivation of the religious philosophy. He is also known as Immortal Chisong (赤松仙子), named after his hermit mountain. His birthday is on August 23 of the lunar calendar[
In the early 20th century, Leung Renyan (梁仁庵) spread the influence of Wong Tai Sin from Qiaoshan (樵山), Guangxi province of China to Wan Chai, in Hong Kong.
Leung arrived in Hong Kong in 1915. He rented an apartment in Wan Chai, and set up an altar in his apartment. Later he opened an herbal medicine shop nearby and moved the altar to the back of the shop. Customers coming to his shop could pray at Wong Tai Sin's altar and seek advice for their ailments. Leung would then fill their prescriptions. We can assume that healing did take place, as the popularity of Wong Tai Sin began to grow.
However in 1918, Leung's shop was destroyed by fire. In 1921, Leung said that he received a message from Wong Tai Sin instructing him that a new shrine should be built. The message said that the god had chosen a site that was 3,600 paces from a pier. Leung soon found the spot at the foot of Lion Rock Mountain, near Chuk Yuen village, which was the right distance from the Kowloon City pier.
Leung continued to receive messages from the god dictating the orientation and dimensions of the temple to be built. Wong Tai Sin also told Leung that the shrine should be called "Puyi Tan", and that the temple compound should be called "Sik Sik Yuen" (嗇色園

May it can help you

2008-06-04 22:38:26 補充:
Tin Hau temple(天后古廟).

Mazu 媽祖; the Taoist goddess of the Sea who protects fishermen and sailors, and is revered as the patron saint who protects East Asians who are associated with the ocean.
Her mortal name is Lin Moniang 林默娘

2008-06-04 22:38:52 補充:
After her death, the families of many fishermen and sailors began to pray to her in honor of her acts of courage in trying to save those at sea. Her worship spread quickly. Much of her popularity in comparison to other sea deities resulted from her role as a compassionate motherly protector,

2008-06-04 22:38:59 補充:
in contrast to authoritarian father figures like the Dragon Kings. She is usually depicted wearing a red robe, and sitting on a throne. As often happens to revered folk heroes in Chinese culture, she became an empress figure during the Yuan Dynasty

2008-06-04 22:39:28 補充:

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