applications in trigonometry

2008-06-05 3:34 am
1. The gradient of a road is 1:8. After walking 200m along the road, what is the vertical distance travelled?
Ans: 24.8m

2. The shadow of a tower is 30m long when the angle of elevation of the sun is 50^o. Find the length of the shadow when the angle of elevation of the sun is 35^o.
Ans: 51.1m


4. A helicopter is flying 300m above the sea. The pilot observes that the angles of depression of two ships, which are both due East, are 28^o and 5^o respectively. The distance between the two ships is?
Ans: 300(1/tan28 - 1/tan58)m

回答 (3)

2008-06-05 12:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 tan@=1/8

2 height of tower/30=tan 50
height of tower=35.75m
tan35^o=height of tower/shadow length

3 A

4 distance 1: 300/distance 1=tan58,
distance 2: 300/distance 2=tan28,

distance 1-distance 2,done
2008-06-05 7:14 am
2008-06-05 5:48 am
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