{急}eng presentation--My favourite movie

2008-06-05 2:09 am
1.What is the movie that you are going to introduce?
2.Who is your favourite character in the movie?Tell something about him/her?
3.What is the most interesting/exciting/impressive scene from the movie?
4.What are the things you can learn from the movie?
5.Would you recommend the movie to others?Why/Why not?

Ps. 咩戲都得,,最好係西片...thx~

回答 (1)

2008-06-05 3:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 The movie I am going to introduce is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

2 My favourite character in the movie is Indiana Jones because he is handsome, healthy, knowledgable, brave and has justise.

3 The most impressive scene from the movie was that in the cave, when Indiana had to cross to the other side of the cliff, he trusted God and stepped out.

4 I learned from this movie that God always conquers evil

5 I would recommend this movie to others because it is an interesting movie

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