
2008-06-05 1:36 am

回答 (7)

2008-06-05 4:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)first of May

When I was small and Christmas trees were tall
We used to love while others used to play
Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by
Someone else moved in from far away

*Now we are tall and Christmas trees are small
And you don't ask the time of day
But you and I, our love will never die
But guess we'll cry come first of May

The apple tree that grew for you and me
I watched the apples falling one by one
And I recall the moment of them all
The day I kissed your cheek and you were gone

When I was small and Christmas trees were tall
Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by
Someone else moved in from far away

最多握握手 一起散散步 你大量 你寬容 你是未來濱崎步
無論是為什麼都好 首先最錯我的態度
懊悔昨日那麼嘈 然後在霎時之間想起我父母
我也不想記起 為當天襯衫似你 便心急妒忌
其實我 都很小器 對不起 只因常常在你附近 便拿著你出氣
原來朋友仔感情再天真 亦是我永遠也會愛惜的人
明日愛他人 也記住學會不要緊 原來朋友比戀人更高分
亦讓我開始懂得不記恨 若大家 都敏感
我更要永遠記得拒絕再因小事怪人 為何沒有這條校訓
再次握握手 只想你以後 有眼淚 放心流 冷淡令人很難受
無論日後路怎麼走 彼此老友角色似舊
以後在動氣關頭 回望著這場爭吵想想 也很醜
原來朋友仔感情再天真 亦是我永遠也會愛惜的人
明日愛他人 也記住學會不要緊 原來朋友比戀人更高分
亦讓我開始懂得不記恨 若大家 都敏感
我更要永遠記得拒絕再因小事怪人 為何沒有這條校訓
像望著自己的至親 往往太奮勇鬥嘴
以後再不懂事過人 如何共我戀人熱吻

3)Shining Friend

Little faith brightens a rainy day
Life is difficult; you can't go away
Don't hide yourself in the corner
You have my place to stay

Sorrow is gonna say goodbye
Opens up you'll see the happy sunshine
Keep going on with your dream
Chasing tomorrow's sunrise
The spirit can never die

Sun will shine, my friend
Won't let you cry, my dear
Seeing you shed a tear
Make my world disappear
You'll never be alone in darkness

See my smile, my friend
We are with you, holding hands
You have got to believe, you are my destiny
We're meant to be your friends
That's what a friend should be
2008-06-09 1:52 am
friends forever! vitamin c唱ge
2008-06-09 1:51 am
朋友 再見匆匆 數載相見 猶像昨天

此際話別盼可 有天相見共聚談笑

憶記舊日倍添掛牽 感慨事物變遷

奔向路上 各找理想 相約互勵同勉

扶我教我 感激老師 啟發燃亮我心

德智並重 以身作則 使我學習勤奮

憶話舊日 老師愛心 關切像父母親

衷心謝謝 各位老師 把我孕育培訓
2008-06-05 8:16 pm
I think this song is suitable for graduation:

Graduation (Friends Forever) by Vitamin C

You may check that out in the following site:
參考: myself, youtube
2008-06-05 2:37 am
Take These Wings

I found a spar-row ly-ing on the ground;
Her life I knew would soon be at an end.
I knelt be-fore her as she made a sound,─ and lis-tened as she said. "My friend.

Take these wings─ and learn to fly─ to the high - est moun-tain in the sky;
Take these eyes─ and learn to see─all the things so dear to me.
Take this song─ and learn to sing,─fill your voice with all the joys of spring;─
Take this heart─ and set it free,─ Let it fly─﹝Let it fly, let it fly﹞
be-yond the sea."

I found an-oth-er spar-row ly-ing on the sand,
A ti-ny bird whose life had just be-gun.

I picked him and held him in my hand;─ I smiled at him and said, "My son.


it is a really good song and many people use this as the graduate song because it is really touching.
參考: Myself...Hope I can help you
2008-06-05 1:48 am
如果講畢業歌 對我最深刻 就是 一點燭光

參考: from me
2008-06-05 1:47 am
forever friend

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