
2008-06-05 1:32 am
我們正在查核ORDER NUMBER ABCxxx 的貨,我們找出貨品 "95663"小了2 pcs ,煩請查證及告知

回答 (5)

2008-06-05 7:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Referring to the order, ABCxxxx, we have conducted a quantity check and noted that the quantity of item, 95663, are 2pcs less than the number stipulated in the captioned order. We would appreciate if you could double check and revert your founding to us
2008-06-05 3:20 am
We are now checking the goods placed under order number ABCxxx. We have found a shortage of 2 pcs on the item "95663". Please check and let us know your founding.
2008-06-05 1:54 am
We are checking the goods of order No. ABCxxx, we found that there is 2 pcs of 9566 was missing. Please check and advise the status.

2008-06-05 1:43 am
we finish to chack the product ( ORDER NUMBER ABCxxx ), and we find out the goods "95663" was not enough (deficient 2 pcs ). please chack it for me and contact me again

文法唔知會唔會 有錯 , 大至上都可以 ..
參考: from me
2008-06-05 1:34 am


2008-06-04 17:36:23 補充:
翻譯成大段野都得, 仲有好多語言比你選擇~~

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