換車HRV – 藍色

2008-06-04 5:23 pm
我有部HRV – 藍色, 2000年落地1 手車, 行左8萬公里, 車身有架及圍欄, 我同事想賣到5萬5左右, 吾知以呢個價錢得吾得呢??

當然賣車都係想換新車, 想買番部HRV新車, 係TOYOTA問過架新車大約要40萬左右…吾知拎架舊車去車行trade-in抵d..還是自己係出面賣會抵d呢?

丫.. 我想買嗰部新車係RAV 4先啱...大約30萬左右

回答 (2)

2008-06-09 5:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
您好,咁既case 都係比架舊車去車行trade-in(Toyota)方便D價錢唔會爭太遠,自己賣都比人壓價又用多時間精神 ^^
2008-06-04 5:28 pm
If you want to buy a new car and trade-in the old car, i think it is more convenience to trade-in it to Toyota. However, you should bargain with the sales on the price as the sales will trade your old car to the market himself. He will give you a good price if he want to close the deal.

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