graduation dinner ”切蛋糕”環節的英文名詞

2008-06-04 5:18 am
响graduation dinner"切蛋糕"lee 一個環節英文點講呀~?
*因為唔可以"cutting the cake"咁樣打,所以想向各位請教一下.

thx a lot,,,,

回答 (3)

2008-06-04 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Cake-Cutting Ceremony

2008-06-04 22:56:58 補充:
This is correct and commonly used.
It means in Chinese - 切餅(蛋糕)儀式.
2008-06-04 6:45 pm
In English, we don't use verbs like:
Cut a cake - Eat dinner - Open envelope etc (是錯的)
所以, 切蛋糕這環節, 英文需用另一講法: Cake sharing.
一般流程表會點打架: Cake sharing time.
參考: Self
2008-06-04 5:24 am
i think you can just indicate it as (cake)
or you may use (cake cutting)

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