Is my friend sick?

2008-06-04 3:45 am
My friend is a P.3 student,he likes eat some 零食,but he after lunch,he was 肚痛!He telled to teacher,teacher called 班長帶他早退!
Is my friend sick??????????


回答 (2)

2008-06-04 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Abdominal discomfort is just sign of many diseases. With so little information you have provided, it is impossible to tell what is happening to your friend. It may or may not be related to the snacks which he had earlier. Before telling you what is happening to him, I am a lot more information than that. What is his general health is like? What did he have for snack that day? Was he feeling fine in those couple of days? Was there any bowel movement or habit changes? Did he do any thing unusual for the last couple of days? What was his pain like? Where was pain located? Was it localized or does it radiate? How would he rate his pain in a 0-10 scale? What makes the pain worst? What did he do to reduce his pain? The examiner will need to inspect, auscultate and palpate his abdomen as well. The list of questions goes on….and all these questions and examinations must be asked and checked before making a diagnosis.

There is a variety of things that can cause abdominal discomfort. It can be as little as gas in his bowel to things like intestinal cancer. If your friend is worried, my recommendation is to have him go to a doctor and check it out.

Best wishes to your friend.
2008-06-04 3:51 am
啊,應該食野之前冇wash hands吧!食左d細菌落肚,所以肚痛。去完洗手間就冇事啦!^^

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