
2008-06-04 3:01 am
Put the verb in the correct from, present continuous or present simple.

1. Hurry up! Everybody __________(wait) for you.

2. '__________(you/listen) to the radio?'
'No, you can turn it off. '

3. ' _________(you/listen) to the radio every day?'
'No, just occasionally. '

4. The River Nile _________(flow) into the Mediterranean.

5. Look at the river. It _______(flow) very fast today- much faster than

6.We usually ________(grow) vegetables in out garden but this year we
_________(not/grow) any.

7. 'How is your English?'
'Not bad. It ___________(improve) slowly.'

8. Ron is in London at the moment. He ___________(stay) at the Park Hotel.
He __________(always/stay) there when he's in London.

9. Can we stop walking soon? I ________(start)to feel tired.

10. 'Can you drive?'
' I ___________(learn). My father__________(teach) me.'

11. Normally I ___________(finish) work at 5:00, but this week I _________
(work) until 6:00 to earn a bit more money.

12. My parents __________(live) in Bristol. They were born there and have
never lived anywhere else. Where ___________(your parents/live)?

13. Sonia___________(look)for a place to live. She ________(stay)with her
sister until she finds somewhere.

14. 'What _________(your father/do)?
'He's an architect but he ____________(not/work) at the moment.'

15. (at a party) Usually I _________(enjoy) parties but I ________(not/enjoy)
this one very much.

16. The train is never late. It _________(always/leave) on time.

17. Jim is very untidy . He _________(always/leave) this things all over the

回答 (4)

2008-06-04 5:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)is waiting
2)Are you listening
3)Do you listen
5)is flowing
6)grow, are not growing
7)is improving
8)is staying, always stays
9)am starting
10)am learning, is teaching
11)finish, work
12)are living, do your parents live
13)is looking, is staying
14)does your father do, in not working
15)enjoy, do not enjoy
16)always leaves
17)always leaves
參考: 我,有錯請見諒
2008-06-04 8:48 pm
1, is waiting
2. Are you listening
3. Do you listen
4, flows
5. is flowing
6. grow, are not growing
7, is improving
8. is staying, always stays
9. am starting
10, am learning, teaches
11. finishes, am working
12. lives, does your parents live?
13. is looking, is staying
14. does your father do, isn 't working
15. enjoy, did not enjoy
16. always leaves
17. always leaves
參考: me =]
2008-06-04 9:11 am
1. is waiting
2. Are you listening
3. Do you listen
4. flows
5. is flowing
6. grow; do not grow
7. is improving
8. is staying
9. am starting
10. am learning; teaches
11. finish; am working
12. live; do your parents live
13. is looking; stays
14. do your father do; is not working
15. enjoy; am not enjoying
17. always leave
18. always leave
參考: myself
2008-06-04 5:58 am
1. Hurry up! Everybody ( is waiting ) for you.

2. ( Are you listening ) to the radio?'
'No, you can turn it off. '

3. ( Do you listen ) to the radio every day?'
'No, just occasionally. '

4. The River Nile ( flows ) into the Mediterranean.

5. Look at the river. It ( is flowing ) very fast today- much faster than

6.We usually ( grow ) vegetables in out garden but this year we
( do not grow ) any.

7. 'How is your English?'
'Not bad. It ( improves ) slowly.'

8. Ron is in London at the moment. He ( is staying ) at the Park Hotel.
He ( always stays ) there when he's in London.

9. Can we stop walking soon? I ( start )to feel tired.

10. 'Can you drive?'
' I ( am learning ). My father ( teaches ) me.'

11. Normally I ( finish ) work at 5:00, but this week I
( work ) until 6:00 to earn a bit more money.

12. My parents ( live ) in Bristol. They were born there and have
never lived anywhere else. Where ( do your parents live )?

13. Sonia ( is looking ) for a place to live. She ( stays )with her
sister until she finds somewhere.

14. 'What ( is your father )?
'He's an architect but he ( is not working ) at the moment.'

15. (at a party) Usually I ( enjoy ) parties but I ( do not enjoy )
this one very much.

16. The train is never late. It ( always leaves ) on time.

17. Jim is very untidy . He ( always leaves ) this things all over the

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