8 questions about entrepreneurs!!!!!!超急要牙..!*

2008-06-03 11:43 pm
1. what is a corporation? explain briefly its advantages and disadvantages?

2. what are the basic sources of personality determinats of an entrepreneur?

3. what is the locus of control of a successful entrepreneur? why?

4. explain the differences between an entrepreneur and manager?

5. do u agree that a successful entreprenuer has to be a marketing champion?

6. how do u define"entrepreneurship"? what are the essential entrepreneurial requirements?

7. what is a mission statment? do u agree that a successful entreprise must have a mission?

8. why does the economic system have an impact on the decision making of an entrepreneur?

回答 (1)

2008-06-04 6:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) a corporation is a legal entity that conducts business/transactions for profit. The benefit of a corporation is that in cases where there may be trouble, the owners, or shareholders have limited liability to the trouble. The disadvantages is that it requires more process, paperwork and thus cost more to maintain a corporation

2) Driven, Vision, Hard Working, Integrity, Proffessionalism are attributes for an entrepreneur.

3) the question does not make sense

4) an entrepreneur creates a business opportunity, whereas a manager directs an existing opportunity, and people

5) yes, a successful entreprenuer needs to be a marketing champion as they need to present their product and services in a positive manner to all in contact with their business

6) entrepreneurship is the ability for someone to use limited resources to achieve massive goals. To be able to to bring out opportunities from nothing.

7) A mission statement guides everyone in the company into a set of common goals for the whole organization. Yes all successful enterprise should have a mission statement as it will guide them through a short-term direction of 2-5 yrs.

8) The economic system and conditions definately has an impact on the decision making of an entrepreneur, as it may affect the customers purchasing decisions on whether or not to buy their product, and at what price points customers are willing to purchase the products. Where as a recession is happening, an entreprenuer will likely need to go into cost saving measures, and sell lower priced items. Whereas a growth in the market, more people can afford more things, and the entreprenuer needs to ensure that he/she can fulfill the demand to maximize profit.

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