
2008-06-03 11:05 pm
坤造 (女)
新曆 1979年7月9日21時20分 (亥時)

才 日 才 食
辛(金) 丁(火) 辛(金) 己(土)
亥(水) 丑(土) 未(土) 未(土)
官 壬(水) 剎 癸(水) 偏印 乙(木) 偏印 乙(木)
印 甲(木) 才 辛(金) 食 己(土) 食 己(土)
食 己(土) 肩 丁(火) 肩 丁(火)

80歲 70歲 60歲 50歲 40歲 30歲 20歲 10歲
卯(木) 戊(土)
寅(木) 丁(火)
丑(土) 丙(火)
子(水) 乙(木)
亥(水) 甲(木)
戌(土) 癸(水)
酉(金) 壬(水)



乾造 (男)
新曆 1978年7月15日14時 (未時)

劫 日 劫 肩
己(土) 戊(土) 己(土) 戊(土)
未(土) 寅(木) 未(土) 午(火)
官 乙(木) 剎 甲(木) 官 乙(木) 印 丁(火)
劫 己(土) 偏印 丙(火) 劫 己(土) 劫 己(土)
印 丁(火) 肩 戊(土) 印 丁(火)

78歲 68歲 58歲 48歲 38歲 28歲 18歲 8歲
卯(木) 丙(火)
寅(木) 乙(木)
丑(土) 甲(木)
子(水) 癸(水)
亥(水) 壬(水)
戌(土) 辛(金)
酉(金) 庚(金)

回答 (5)

2008-06-04 5:59 am
網址: http://www.life-guide.com.tw/
有興趣的話 免費算一下八
2008-06-04 2:16 am
2008-06-04 1:46 am
2008-06-04 1:20 am
請解答我的命事業?==你 工作未見順利!停步不前l辛苦得財運程???早出來工作至今不覺你有真運。你好好好去增值?你男人靠不住的?激死你呀!如不增值晚年執紙皮過活?我不是嚇你的,學一技可保晚年!
2008-06-04 12:15 am
a time of intense ego conflicts with others, and you are very likely to be the loser if you are not careful. Your ambitions in various areas may provoke others to try to stop you because they feel threatened. Or it may be that you come across people whose goals are intrinsically opposed to yours. This may happen in any area of your life; most commonly it will affect your work and social life, but it can also affect your personal and domestic life.

During your first run-ins with others, you will probably be very bitter and antagonistic, but you will also become cautious about venting your anger. The result is that you will constantly be in a state of suppressed rage. Then someone who has nothing to do with your mood may be the victim of a sudden unexpected burst of anger. Needless to say, that is not the way to win anyone over.

You feel as if your energies could carry you higher and farther than usual, and you are willing to strive for power and success. But your efforts may run into considerable resistance from others, especially if you are not completely scrupulous about your methods. This time can bring you success and social standing, but it also can deprive you of these. Instead of gaining power, you may simply provoke conflict with those who are in power, sometimes quite innocently. You may have no intention of challenging anyone, yet you find yourself in a tight spot with the authorities. And great changes are about to take place. How great these changes are depends largely on what you have been doing with your life over the past several years. Have you been living as you feel you should or as you think others want you to? If you have been doing the latter, this influence will have a greater impact.

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