
2008-06-03 9:55 pm
我是一個成人初學鋼琴者, 很小的時候學過數年電子琴. 我想買新鋼琴, 因為我打算長時間學習, 應該不會輕易放棄學琴. 想買歐洲鋼琴原因主要都是喜歡它的聲音. 因為我是初學者, 但又真是想買一個可以用很久的鋼琴 (不需要再換), 所以請給我一些意見.

我在柏斯看了Schimmel C120AE, 覺很聲音很圓及雄厚, sales試琴的時候彈的古典曲真是很悅耳. 這個brand的琴好嗎? 學生價是8萬 (full-pay).

另外在通利看了Sauter 120TLR2 (款已outdated), 只有showroom琴, 聲音也跟Schimmel差不多, 但沒有Schimmel那樣厚, 但反有一種很清脆的感覺. 但價錢都要$76,000 (full-pay). 但我覺得這個款已out-dated及只有showroom 琴(應該還有數個, 但全部都是showroom琴), 所以覺得很不值. 你們怎看這個model? 取替這個model的是Sauter 122TL55, 但full-pay都要$96,000, 我亦很喜歡, 但價錢很貴, 值得買新model或舊model, 因為都相差2萬.

曾經也想過Yamaha U1, 上網的評論都很好, 但當跟以上的歐洲琴比較, 又真係有分別. 因為我真是想買一部我超喜愛的琴, budget方面可以負擔到, 因為打算月供, 所以才想買歐洲琴. 另外Schimmel 及Sauter的鋼琴會不會難保養嗎?

再問summer sales 這些歐洲琴通常會有多少discount?


回答 (8)

2008-08-24 10:12 pm
可以特別係tomlee 買支<< Damp-Chaser 防潮管>>


2008-06-16 8:16 am
點解香港人咁多人買yamha 同kawai呢
2008-06-12 3:13 pm
petrof concert grand piano the sound is excellent the key is hard but it&#39;s famous for practice fingering my friend is a piano teacher she say that
2008-06-11 8:31 pm

Sauter 索特(德國)
Schimmel 胥莫爾(德國)
Seiler 塞勒(德國)
Haessler 黑斯勒(德國)
Walter Charles R 沃爾特查爾斯(美國)
Schulze Pollmann 舒爾茲波爾曼(德國)
Astin-Weight 奧斯汀威特(美國)
Petrof W/Renner parts 佩卓夫(捷克)
Kemble 肯寶(英國)



決定買琴時記得電郵:[email protected]查詢,我會給您一個專業意見就不會買錯琴!!!
參考: piano_proshop
2008-06-11 7:04 am
你可以send E-mail比我...我有好琴介紹...雖然唔平...
[email protected]
2008-06-05 7:08 pm
我可以話你知歐羅宜家係咁升,就算summer sales個discount大左,都可能未必可以用到宜家你問到0既價錢買呢??反而聽聞yamaha summer 0既價錢有機會回一回添...
就如其他網友答你..就算同一隻model 0既琴,都會有唔同0既手感同音質,所以買琴時就一定要去試清楚...
我今個星期六應該會去parsons/KK個邊幫人揀/買琴,可以再幫你取得多少少0既discount. if you get interest or need any help, you can email to me at [email protected]

2008-06-05 2:43 am
I recommended the following models:

1. Sauter : made in Germany, moderate touching, beautiful tones, often then have very nice design models ( http://www.sauter-pianos.de/ )

2. Petrof: made in Czech, less expensive compared with its quality, harder touching, also 圓及雄厚, has tallest upright model (135cm)
( http://www.petrof.com/ )

3. Pleyel: made in France, lighter touching and sharper tones when compared with above
( http://www.pleyel.fr/uk/index.php )

Steinway & Sons will be very expensive. If you have a lot of money ( $300K ) then don&#39;t think more and go for it. Other models like Essex, Boston are designed by Steinway & Sons and they are less expensive.

Recently when you visited Tom Lee in Tsim Sha Tsui you would find a brand called &quot;Lang Lang&quot;, also designed by Steinway & Son. However it was made in China. I personally don&#39;t like it.

For Schimmel or other brands of European pianos --&gt; every single piano, even though for the same model of the same brand, can vary quite differently. You have to try that one before buying.

For Japan pianos, I don&#39;t think Yamaha is a good choice. Yamaha&#39;s touching is too light and its tone is too sharp. No good. Even though U5 or YSU-5 is no good. If you don&#39;t have lots of money and want to avoid light touching and sharp tones, then go for Kawaii. It&#39;s better than Yamaha, although not at the quality of European.

Generally speaking, a taller upright piano should be better than a shorter one. Usually a taller upright gets a larger sound board, which provided louder and better resonance. Because you&#39;re an adult, you have to buy at least 120cm or 125cm upright. Of course, height means more money.

I don&#39;t think European piano is harder to maintain, as long as you constantly keep your home&#39;s humidity around 50% and get your piano tuned and checked regularly.

N.B. I bought a Petrof P 135 K1 model last year and I was playing it happily and very satisfied with its sound. I switched on air-conditioner&#39;s drying function 24 hourly. Hope it helps.
2008-06-04 7:26 pm
I like Sauter, outdated model is OK, new design is nothing as after 10 years, which model u choose now are all outdated ! Right ?
Try the touching again by yourself see if u can accept, becasue Europe piano sometimes need more effort to play.
I do have fd play Sauter and Schimmel.
I hope won&#39;t scared u, my fd have Sauter told me that have a little 裂痕 in the 底板. U need pay much much care.
But Schimmel have weak point, I book room to held vocal recital in Parsons half year regularly, I found that the Schimmel they provided not very good, always not very clear. Schimmel they keep in Parsons also can&#39;t keep well, how it will perform when it move to my home ?

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