How to say English in 優點和缺點 or 好處和缺點?

2008-06-03 7:09 pm
For interview:

How to say (English) in 優點和缺點 or 好處和缺點?


How to answer in job (interview) is better ?

回答 (3)

2008-06-03 7:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I believe my strengths are.....
I belive my weaknesses are .....
至於內容是甚麼, 只有自己才知道
長處 : diligence (勤勉), attention to details (小心), ability to work under pressure (耐勞), a good team player (合群), fluency in English / Putonghua (英文 / 國語流利) etc.
短處 : lack of fluency in English / Putonghua (英文國語不夠流利) , lack of experience (經驗不足), lack of skills in negotiation (不懂講價), lack of interpersonal skills (人際技巧不足)
當然啦, 懶惰, 不小心, 不合群等等, 都是很多人的缺點, 但INTERVIEW 時不會直接指出踩自己, 會婉轉一點, 用 lack of skills, lack of experience 等表達
2008-06-03 8:25 pm
In any given job interview, you need to present yourself to your best advantage. My subjection is to go into the company’s website (if it has one) and study about the company. Learn and remember their company goal and know their expectation for their employees. These information will come-in handy during the interview.

If you know ahead-of-time that the interview is going to be in English, and if English not one of your strength, try to prepare what you are going to say. There are some questions that most interviewers will ask for sure, like (1) Tell me about yourself. (2) What are your strengths and weaknesses? (3) Why do you want to work here? (4) Why should we hire you over the other applicants? (4) What advantages can you bring to this company? (5) Why did you quit your last job? (6) Do you have any questions?

For most company, these are the standard questions that they would ask during a job interview. Prepare to give an appropriate answer to all these questions. Also present yourself in a calm, positive, enthusiastic, professional manner. Do not over stress yourself. Use words that you have already known, do not try use any term that you are unfamiliar. Your situation may be worst when you are asked to elaborate on what you have said. (it may greatly deplete your confidence and your impression in the interview’s eye)

As what have already been answered, strength is 優點 and weakness is 缺點. I have being taught that when ask about your weakness, you should turn one of your strengths into weakness. An example of that would be listening. Strength: I am a good listener. Weakness: I have problem having my customer focuses on certain topics.

Hope this help and best wishes to your job interview. =)
2008-06-03 8:21 pm
my strengths is good communation skill
my weaknesses is english not gd

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