Facebook - To confirm this friend request 無左呀!!

2008-06-03 5:44 pm
Facebook - To confirm this friend request 無左呀!!
我係Email 見到有3個人request to be a friend 當我click 條link 入去
facebook-home 果到發現無人request............
點解無咁GA? 之前都係咁用ja ma....
(不過前排我係account & private 到set 左野)


回答 (1)

2008-06-04 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Facebook個FAQ 講o既解決問題方法:

Q: I got an email saying I have a pending friend request, but I don't see one.

A: Just send the other person a friend request from your account. Alternatively, you could ask them to request you as a friend again.

學佢o地咁講, 你自己add返佢o地或叫佢o地再add返咪得囉
佢o地開頭肯add你, 唔會介意add多次或者突然唔俾你add o既

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