
2008-06-03 5:13 pm

1.I will together with you but at the time I will explain to you very clearly!!

2.I don't want to mislead you anymore!!
I somehow explained very clearly my situation and my thinking......but of course, at that time, you don't care!!

3.But now, you care......

4.I really exhaustive on all these argument and explanation!!

5.What kind of reponses from me you expected??

6.I am afraid to contact you because I don't know when this situation will be happened again......May be I return your call late then you will think to other way......then the engine will be started again!!

回答 (3)

2008-06-03 6:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.I will together with you but at the time I will explain to you very clearly!!

2.I don't want to mislead you anymore!!
I somehow explained very clearly my situation and my thinking......but of course, at that time, you don't care!!

3.But now, you care......

4.I really exhaustive on all these argument and explanation!!

5.What kind of reponses from me you expected??

6.I am afraid to contact you because I don't know when this situation will be happened again......May be I return your call late then you will think to other way......then the engine will be started again


參考: myself
2008-06-03 6:40 pm
1. 在和你一起這段時間,我將來清楚地和你解釋 ! !

2. 我不想多次誤導你 。
當時我非常清楚地解釋我現在的情形和我的想法,但你卻不關心 !

3. 但現在,你關心了。

4. 我真的無勿再解釋在這爭論上 ! !

5. 你期望我的回答什麼類型 ? ?

6. 我害怕連絡你,因為我真的不知道這種情形會再次發生...
然後這個動力又耍次發生 ! !

I hope I can help.
2008-06-03 5:56 pm
1. 在和你一起這段時間,我將來清楚地和你解釋 ! !

2. 我不想多次誤導你 。
當時我非常清楚地解釋我現在的情形和我的想法,但你卻不關心 !

3. 但現在,你關心了。

4. 我真的無勿再解釋在這爭論上 ! !

5. 你期望我的回答什麼類型 ? ?

6. 我害怕連絡你,因為我真的不知道這種情形會再次發生...
然後這個動力又耍次發生 ! !

希 望 幫 到 你

2008-06-03 09:59:23 補充:

1. ..... 我將會清楚地和你解釋 ! !

4. ..... 我真的無必再解釋在這爭論上 ! !

6. ..... 又再次發生 ..
參考: Me

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