
2008-06-03 5:02 pm
羅俊維呢個名既八字好唔好?但以生肖同筆劃算過話好。希望大家可以個人知識解答到我,我媽舊年幫我去搵算命,話我名有土字好d,唔知維字屬唔屬土呢?如果唔係,我想留個維字,改中間個字,give suggest,please?

回答 (4)

2008-06-08 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2008-06-08 14:27:25 補充:
2008-06-07 6:34 pm

。ღ‧《兒盈糖》。Ying ❤Yee Lolly♦論壇。
2008-06-03 10:59 pm
網址: http://www.life-guide.com.tw/
有興趣的話 免費算一下八
2008-06-03 7:23 pm
Think twice before you upset tradition. Many traditions exist for good reason, even though those who believe in them can't always defend them. Be as free as you have to be, but let others be free in their own way, even if it does not seem like freedom to you.

you may get involved in problems with others because one or the other tries to take control. At times you feel that others are continually trying to take unfair advantage of you. Or you may try to take advantage of them.

Also you must be very open and honest with people, because it is very easy to create the wrong impressions in your relationships. This is because you are naturally a very intense person and may seem to be brooding or secretive even when there is nothing weighty on your mind.

If you have trouble getting along with others, even when it seems to be totally their fault, think about your own attitudes and actions.

It would be good to avoid getting involved with people who seem strange, difficult and emotionally intense about everything.

you have a strong sense of inner discipline and that you can work toward the goals you set for yourself steadily and without wavering.

Whatever task you undertake, you work at patiently, with thorough organization and method, leaving no stone unturned.

You are independent, even a loner, because having other people around may seem to distract you from your purposes. When you are older, you will be a very dependable person, because you have worked out your own methods and have proved to everyone that they work.

When you are working for a living, your relations with employers should also be good, because they will know you can be trusted to do a job well and take responsibility.

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