會計~Cost Of Goods Sold問題

2008-06-03 8:33 am
請問 ~ 一盤數 opening stock 加埋 purchase 如果沒 closing stock
Total 出來既數 係咪一樣係 叫 Cost Of Goods Sold

回答 (2)

2008-06-03 9:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.) Opening stock + Purchases = Total goods available for sale
2.) Opening stock + Purchases -Closing stock = Cost of goods sold
3.) 因此, 如果 Closing stock 等於零的話, 那麼, Total goods available for sale 會等於 Cost of goods sold.
2008-06-03 10:33 pm
yes, cost of goods sold
opening stock + purchase - closing stock = material usage during the accounting period.
This means that all materials which keep in the stock have been fully used in the current accounting period.

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