Radio Ga Ga是什麽?

2008-06-03 8:18 am
近日We will Rock you歌劇在本港上演。
請問劇中的Radio Ga Ga是 什麽?
內面的Ga Ga kids又是什麼?

以下為一些網友在 講出作這歌的原因: Taylor wrote this as a critique of radio stations, which were becoming commercialized and playing the same songs over and over.


And this was before radio was deregulated, allowing companies to own multiple stations in a market, resulting in more corporate ownership, less competition and generally bad radio.


Taylor claimed he was inspired to write this after watching MTV. He noticed that lots of kids were watching the channel instead of listening to the radio.


另外這歌歌詞其中提及 We watch the shows -- we watch the stars On videos for hours and hours We hardly need to use our ears How music changes through the years


Let's hope you never leave old friend Like all good things on you we depend So stick around cos we might miss you When we grow tired of all this visual You had your time, you had the power You've yet to have your finest hour (Radio)


All we hear is Radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga All we hear is Radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga All we hear is Radio ga ga Radio blah blah Radio what's new? 因此Radio Ga Ga 是否指「聽來聽去都是那些」?

回答 (4)

2008-06-03 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
劇中的Radio Ga Ga是 什麽?
Taylor originally conceived it as "Radio Ca-Ca" (apparently from something his toddler son once said), a slam against radio for the decrease in variety of programming and the type of music being played. It was eventually changed to " Radio Ga Ga", because it sounded better, clearer, and rolled off the tongue easier.

For Ga Ga kids I cannot find the answer, but I guess this is the naked names for those little babies who always say “ Ga Ga ” without any meaning.
參考: Wikipedia
2008-06-06 6:11 am


據以上網頁所說,這首歌是前英國搖滾樂隊Queen 的鼓手Roger Taylor所作,歌名的靈感是來自他的二至三歲兒子,當這兒子聽看了收音機時,他便自言語自地講了 Radio Ca Ca (另一說法是Radio Poo Poo),後來改為Radio Ga Ga. 。
2008-06-03 10:32 pm
The musical We will rock you is about the Queen (a rock band). Radio Ga-ga is one of their hits.
For futher information, you can refer to Wikipedia:
2008-06-03 6:36 pm
英語有 going ga-ga 這個說法,
等於廣東話的「胡混、顛埋一堆 (凸) 、無聊地、傻更更」
The Queen 套戲入面有這一句:
是貝理亞的太太對他說:Shall the Prime Minister go ga-ga with ... ?
意思:噤首相是否要跟那些某某人顛埋一堆 (dance to their pipes) ?

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