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2008-06-03 5:22 am
1..Do you think mun will feel unhappy if you ask her to stop taking the soup(shark fin’s soup)
2.which one is more important,shark or crocodile??
3.what may happen if everyone eats crocodile meat????
4.can mum control her asthma if she doesn't take the soup???
〈〈〈〈 school bullying〉〉〉〉
1.what should the boy on beaten on the floor do???
2.how can the school stop this??
3.when we mention the school bullying,what may happen as well??
ㄑㄑㄑㄑ RECYCLE BAG and plastic bag 〉〉〉〉
1.the advantages of using recycle bag
2.the disadvantages of using the plastic bag
3.the ways to ask students to use more recycle bags,like putting up poster.....
4.anything else you think it is important
〈〈〈〈 extra curricular activities〉〉〉課外活動
1.the advantages of extra curricular activities?
2.the disadvantages of extra curricular activities?
3.what kind of extra curricular activities may waste a lot of money?
4.what kind of extra curricular activities may take a lot of time?

回答 (2)

2008-06-03 10:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1..Do you think mum will feel unhappy if you ask her to stop taking the soup(shark fin’s soup)
I do not think she will feel unhappy because she only buys it for us. She thinks shark fin is nutritious for our health and growth. In fact she has to pay a lot of money to buy it. So I think if we ask her not to buy anymore she will not have hard feeling.

2.which one is more important,shark or crocodile??
I personally think that crocodile is more important. Since crocodile some usage to human being. We can use their skin for leather products, and their meat as food. Moreover I do not like sharks because whenever I think of them, I will be afraid to go swimming in the sea.

3.what may happen if everyone eats crocodile meat????
They may reduce the number of crocodile in the world. However, since most crocodiles are now grow up in crocodile farm just like cow or sheep, so the number of wild crocodiles will not reduce too much and the ecology of the natural environment can still be preserved.

4.can mum control her asthma if she doesn't take the soup???
In China we believe crocodile soup can cure asthma, so if my mother does not take the soup anymore she may not be able to control her asthma. May be people in the western world do not believe in this, but I think at least psychologically the soup can release some of her symptoms.

〈〈〈〈 school bullying〉〉〉〉
1.what should the boy on beaten on the floor do???
I think they should stop doing this kind of silly thing because this is affecting other schoolmates. Moreover, I do not believe fighting can solve any problem. It is even more silly if they just want to show off to other people. People will not think they are brave just because they fight on the floor.

2008-06-03 02:40:38 補充:
2.how can the school stop this??
First of all I think the students should be self-disciplined. If they are not, then the school has to educate them with the correct attitude and manner in school. If even this does not work, the school should set up rules and punishment for such bad behavior.

2008-06-03 02:40:57 補充:
Teachers should be on duty to catch the disobedient students on the spot.

3.when we mention the school bullying,what may happen as well??
Young people are easily influenced by other people.

2008-06-03 02:41:24 補充:
If they see school bullying very often they will gradually accept it as a kind of means to solve problem, or at least they will reduce their objection to such bad behavior.

2008-06-03 02:41:51 補充:
At the end they may become part of the group who is bullying people in the school.

ㄑㄑㄑㄑ RECYCLE BAG and plastic bag 〉〉〉〉
1.the advantages of using recycle bag
Using recycle bag can help us a lot in saving our planet. The major advantage is the sharp reduction of using plastic bags.

2008-06-03 02:42:14 補充:
Moreover recycle bags are washable so they can last much longer than plastic or paper bags. In this way we can keep our environment clean and green because paper bags also consume many trees.

2008-06-03 02:42:33 補充:
2.the disadvantages of using the plastic bag
Plastic is not easy to dissolve in soil and it may many years for the process. Moreover, the production of plastic bags will cause air pollution. The more plastic bags we use, the worse our environment will be.

2008-06-03 02:43:16 補充:
If we do not stop the over-using of plastic bags, our Mr. Earth will really cry. (You say this with a smile on your face, the result will be better.)

2008-06-03 02:43:33 補充:
3.the ways to ask students to use more recycle bags,like putting up poster.....
It will be an effective way to put poster in the school to educate the students the advantage of using recycle bags.

2008-06-03 02:43:54 補充:
Also the business man should try to push out more beautiful design of recycle bag so the students will not think that using a recycle bag is not good looking.

2008-06-03 02:44:15 補充:
4.anything else you think it is important
The one thing I can think of right now is our over-using of electricity, which also causes air pollution. If each of us can do just a little by ourselves, the effect will be huge.

2008-06-03 02:44:37 補充:
It is quite easy for us to achieve that such as switching off un-used electrical equipments like television or computers. Also we should try to tune the temperature of our air-conditioner so that we will not be using more than enough electricity.

2008-06-03 02:44:55 補充:
The last thing is the easiest. Whenever we get out of a room, we should switch off all the lights in the room. If everyone can take their small step, it will be a big step for the whole country.

2008-06-03 02:45:14 補充:
〈〈〈〈 extra curricular activities〉〉〉課外活動
1.the advantages of extra curricular activities?
All extra curricular activities are good for us in some aspects. For the sport activities, we can train up our body and do some exercises.

2008-06-03 02:45:31 補充:
For interest group it can give us knowledge on the topic, some of them like chess and bridge can train our thinking. Some interest group like voluntary group can give us a chance to help other people.

2008-06-03 02:45:50 補充:
2.the disadvantages of extra curricular activities?
When the students are putting too much efforts or energy on the extra curricular activities, their study will be affected. So instead of helping us to train ourselves, these activities become a hindrance to our study.

2008-06-03 02:46:17 補充:
3.what kind of extra curricular activities may waste a lot of money?
I believe activities that need expensive equipments may cost a lot of money, especially when the students are indulged in the activity. it is natural for them to try to get the better equipments time after time.

2008-06-03 02:46:49 補充:
t will cost a big burden on their parents financially.

4.what kind of extra curricular activities may take a lot of time?
I think interest group such as voluntary group may take up a lot of time from the students since there are always preparatory works to do before the activity is carried out.

2008-06-03 02:47:07 補充:
This kind of activity needs planning, organizing and final action. So I think they are most time-consuming even though the students may learn a lot through the process.
參考: Myself
2008-06-03 6:43 am
A. People like eating shark fin soup in wedding party. It is because they think that it is expensive and delicious. It is good for serving for guests.
1. If I ask my mother to stop eating shark fin soup, I think she will not feel unhappy. It is because she does not like eating it very much and she does not eat it frequently. It is not effect her eating habit.
2. I think sharks are more important than crocodiles.It is because sharks are endangered animals. Many fishermen kill them with their fins.
3. If everyone eats crocodile meat, they will be endangered animals.
4. If my mother stop to eat crocodile meat, I think she can control her asthma in another way such as she can stop to drink the cold drinks or she does not go outside if the air is not fresh.

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