我想問老師要我寫畢業典禮的講詞,仲要係英文,我作好左啦,但我的英文唔點,請各高手比d意見我啦!我想大家幫我改長d,講到1-2mins最好,仲有咩英文文法wrong左的,請各高手不要吝嗇你的聰明啊!!請你們多多指教喲!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.^3^.我的bad bad講詞,如下:To my respectful principal, my parents , teachers and all the classmates,
As we are prepared to leave our school, we like to extend our deepest thankfulness to all the parents, principal, teachers and the classmates. Thank you for your solicitude, your caring, and helps. Those days in school have passed. As I am going to leave, I am really touched and I am going to miss it. All the thing will be deeply in my memory forever after.Once again, thanks to my dear parents, my principal, all my teachers and all my classmates.
唔.我覺得very.short,各位人兄,幫下手啦,改long d!!!!!!!!!!