
2008-06-03 5:02 am
hey.. what's up!

How ya doin'!

I was browsin round for ppl like moi, & i hit your lil' site. You look like a reasonably cool person, although Im sort of new at this site, and don't really know what to do on here. Shouldn't they have a chatting program here? Well, i don't like sending msgs 2 ppl, & sometimes never getting a responce. Well, if you wanna chattin' with me, u can find me over at http://www.friendsmatch.org/?id=2737&mypics, my name there is feisti_vixen.

So, ya, hope to see you. always lookin' to meet more people.
Daisy Murphy

回答 (1)

2008-06-03 6:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
喂 ~ 點呀?


我睇你果個網頁, 你個人睇嚟都幾好唔錯, 雖然我想在果個網頁搵D嘢,
但又唔知點做? 又無佢哋既聊天項目喺度, 咁 ~ 我又唔鐘意傳送短訊
俾人, 某D人永遠無回覆既, 如果你想同我傾, 你可以喺呢個網頁搵我...
http://www.friendsmatch.org/?id=2737&mypics, my name there is feisti_vixen.

希望可以見到你, 永遠都樂意認識更多朋友。
Daisy Murphy

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