Rate and Ratio

2008-06-03 3:36 am
A piece of work can be completed by x people in 10 days. If 1 more person is added, the work can be completed in 8 days. What is the value of x?

回答 (2)

2008-06-03 3:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Using the concept of ratio

if the contribution the work of each people in one day is K
Also, let the total value of the work is 1

then K=1/(10x)=1/[8(x+1)]

So 10x=8(x+1)

The value of x is 4

2008-06-02 23:07:07 補充:
2008-06-03 3:52 am
10x = 8(x + 1)
10x = 8x + 8
2x = 8
x = 4

2008-06-02 19:55:17 補充:
投我一票, 唔該
唔洗咁複習, 用工數去諗咪得囉
x 個人做 10 日, 即係 10x 工做起
同樣, x+1 個人做 8 日, 即係 8(x+1) 工做起

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