如我登MSN唔得,又話「你目前尚未連線至 net messenger service」點好?

2008-06-03 3:03 am

回答 (1)

2008-06-05 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is probably the connection problem of MSN. It has nothing to do with your internet service. If it persists, you want to re-download and re-install the MSN. Also, you can try to download other version of the MSN. It is possible some conflicts arise for particular version of MSN with your OS.

If you experience this problem in office PC, then you need to ask IT to open the proxy for you. The firewall setting for office server is not down to individual PC, but the company’s server. Certainly, only certain IT staffs have the access right to control it.

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