
2008-06-03 3:01 am
請問日常生活中(例如 朋友間的傾計 睇戲 新聞報道 閱讀圖書和報紙等等)所用到的英文文法會唔會好深 大約幾多年級??

大劑了 小2同小3我都冇上堂 點學番阿



回答 (2)

2008-06-03 8:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
朋友間的傾計 = simple english conversation -Primary 2-3
睇戲, 閱讀圖書 = primary 6 - form 2 己可以明白
新聞報道, 閱讀英文報紙 = 可能需 form 3 或以上.
參考: Own
2008-06-04 3:07 am
Usually, English used in 日常生活, is quite simple English, as long as the grammar is correct, we called it

Conversational English

However, with news reports and in newspapers, the usage of the english becomes more sophisicated, and impersonal. We don't use "I", "You" or even not to express your personal feelings or opinions.

I hope this helped.
參考: self

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