simple maths

2008-06-03 12:31 am
find x
-(5x)/6+(2x)/5 < 1/3

expand/simplify it. Is it a surd?
(√8 - √2)^2

express y in terms of x and z
x^-1 + y^-1 = z^-1

回答 (1)

2008-06-03 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. -(5x)/6 (2x)/5 &lt; 1/3
(-25x 12x)/30 &lt; 10/30
-13x &lt; 10
x &gt; -10/13

2. (√8 - √2)^2
= (√8)^2 - 2(√8)(√2) (√2)^2
= 8 - 8 2
= 2

3. x^-1 y^-1 = z^-1
1/x 1/y = 1/z
1/y = 1/z - 1/x
1/y = (x - z)/xz
xz = y(x - z)
y = xz/(x - z)


2008-06-02 17:12:02 補充:
&lt 是 小於
&gt 是大於

參考: me

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